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Product Documentation PIM Configure PIM Filter Categories Updating Filter Category Order

Operations PIM - Updating Filter Category Order

  1. Click "PIM"

    You can control the order of your Filter Categories on your commerce site by updating the filter category position field in the operations portal. In order to update the order of your filter categories, start by navigating to "PIM".

  2. Click "Filter Categories"

    Click "Filter Categories". In order to access and update “Filter Categories” you will need to be set up either as an “administrator” or a “superuser”, or have the roles of: “facetGroupView” and “facetGroupEdit”.

  3. Click the "Show/Hide Columns" icon

    Click on the "Show/Hide" icon to choose the columns you would like to add to your grid.

  4. Select the needed columns

    In order to update the position of filter categories, you will want to make sure that the position column is added to your screen. You can also include other helpful columns such as the code, or name column. If you would like to remove any columns from this screen, unselect any columns.

  5. Sort column

    To make updating the position easier, you can sort columns by hovering over a column header and clicking the arrow that appears. Since we already have the position fields updated in this example, we chose to sort the position column.

  6. Length Filter Category

    You can see on the commerce site, that "Length" is above "Width". In this example, we are going move the length filter category below the width filter category.

  7. Current position

    If you would like a filter category to appear at the top, the position value would be the lowest number. If you have a filter category that you would like to see at the bottom, you will use the highest number. In this case, "Length" has a position of "11" and "Width" has a position of "12".

  8. Update position

    To update the position, click into the position field of the filter category you would like to update, and type the desired position value. In this case, we are going to update "Length" from "11" to "12".

  9. Update "width" position

    Now we've updated the width position to "11".

  10. "Length" is now below "Width"

    If you reload the commerce site, you will see that the position of your filter categories have updated to the new position. The position of your filter categories can be updated at any time.

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