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Product Documentation PIM Explore PIM Product Languages

Product Languages

If you need to display your products' information in other languages on the commerce website, this will be managed in the Product Languages section of the PIM Portal.

Depending on the settings you have enabled within the Kodaris platform, specific fields for each product are marked as multilingual.


When the information is entered into these multilingual fields, your customer can view specific information about a product in the selected language, which is chosen in the upper right corner of the commerce website.

In order to support the multilingual ability, you will need to provide the information about each product in that specific language. This can be done by either entering it in each product's Details screen, or it can be managed in the Product Languages section.

After navigating to the Product Languages section of the PIM Portal, you will see an embedded spreadsheet so you can add, copy/paste, drag, and delete information by individual or multiple rows. You can also use this page to manage by product using the grid or mass export or import the multilingual information for each product. The fields displayed are the ones you can either edit or are needed to match the multilingual info to the product:

  • Language Code - this indicates what language this product's information is written in; specific languages need to be indicated in the Languages section of the Kodaris platform in order for Language codes to be used
  • Product Code - the identifying field that matches all information about this specific product throughout the Kodaris Platform
  • Name - how the product will appear on the commerce website
  • Keywords - search terms to help build out SEO plus identify the category on the commerce website search functionality
  • Short Description - a shorter version of the Description field; depending on your commerce template, the information in this field may or may not appear
  • Description - general information about the category; depending on your commerce template, the information in this field may or may not appear

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