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Kodaris June 2021 Release Note Highlights

1. V2 Quoting
a. Cash Quoting - An option for Cash Quotes is now available in the Portal. This will allow you to create quotes tied to a shipto. Cash quote entry is similar to the order entry screen, with pricing pulling from the records already set up for that shipto and no escalator or preview options available. This will allow full win / loss tracking on all cash quotes just like regular quotes, by sales rep, warehouse, etc. A new screen has also been added to the Portal where all cash quotes can be viewed and pushed to Trend. Once pushed, they’ll automatically update to Won.
b. Drag and Drop onto Existing Quotes - You can now drag and drop a file onto a quote that already contains items, the items in the file will then be added to the existing quote. This is available on both quotes and orders.
c. Created Date - A Created Date field has been added to generated PDFs
Created Date
d. Grid on Pricing Screens - The company and global pricing screens are now on the latest grid for easiest pricing management. For the global pricing, you’ll click on the “Data” tab to access the grid.
Grid on Pricing Screens
e. Pricing End Dates - Update to no longer require an end date on pricing company level records. This was released for further ERP compatibility.
Pricing End Dates
f. Cost, Margin & Markup Restrictions - Removed these columns for those who do not have access due to security restrictions. Previously these columns were displayed but didn’t contain any data.
Cost, Margin & Markup Restrictions
g. Quote Request Fix - Update released so that all values are included when porting quote requests to the Portal.
2. Portal Order Enhancements
a. Release Status - Added so that orders can easily be filtered down by their status of being pushed to the ERP. This will help find orders that are on the dashboard and are waiting to be pushed or orders where there was an error going in.
Release Status
b. Refresh Order after Drag and Drop - Added to automatically pull the PO Number and Address from the drag and drop file if using the feature on an order that’s already in progress. This is to help ensure the most up to date information is on the order.
c. Summary Orders - A Summary Orders screen has been added where you can view a full list of Master Summaries and click to view the details on orders.
Summary Orders
3. Portal Enhancements
a. Home Screen - A new home screen has been added to the Portal that will display your Avatar and a welcome message with either your email or name. This is now the default screen when logging into the Portal and is the initial phase of developing a home screen that can be customized by the user.
Home Screen
b. Logout Button - You can now log directly out of the Portal by clicking on your avatar and selecting “Logout” from the drop down menu. Options for Profile and Settings are currently in development and coming soon!
Logout Button
c. Support Chat - Support chat has now been added to the Portal. Just click on the orange icon in the lower right corner and you’ll be connected to our support team to answer your questions in real time.
Support Chat
d. Customer Roles - A new grid added that lists all customer roles available, along with a description for each role. Clicking on a role for more details will give you a list of all customers attached to that role. From the details screen, you can add and remove customers to a role to update their web access.
e. Date Picker - When clicking on a date cell, a date picker will be displayed to select your date. You can also still manually edit this cell by double clicking.
Date Picker
f. Product Bulk Edit - A Data tab has been added to the PIM section where items and their category can be bulk updated or edited. The grid allows you to filter down on what you are looking for to help isolate products for bulk updating. You can click on the arrow next to a product to view its full detail and also add new web products on this grid.
Product Bulk Edit
g. Bias Delivery Address Results - When a warehouse is selected and the Delivery Address is being entered, type as you search will suggest addresses that are located in the area of the warehouse. This is available when entering both quotes and orders.
Bias Delivery Address Results
h. Search Improvements - Overall improvements to the Portal search, including ignoring case sensitivity and displaying results for partial name entry.
Search Improvements
i. Templates - A new screen added to view and manage system email templates. This will lead to more marketing capabilities direct from the Portal.
j. Vendor Payments - A new grid added that will connect to our new commercial payments partner. If not enabled, you’ll receive a message to contact support for set up.
Vendor Payments
k. Order Shipments - New grid added to view and check details of order shipments. These are tied to our logistic partners like DQ Tech or our logistics app.
Order Shipments
l. Multiple Sorts - An update release for multiple sorting of columns, you can now apply the multiple sort by using Shift + clicking on the column
Multiple Sorts
m. Tax Rounding - Update to fix rounding when calculating taxes for better ERP compatibility.
4. Payments
a. Level 3 Data on Converge - Collection of additional data for card transactions to qualify for lower interchange rates. This was rolled out for COD payments with next being scoped for account card payments.
b. Payment Methods Displayed - A “Payment Methods” field added to company settings that can be used to determine if ACH, Credit Card, or both payment method buttons will be displayed to customers. This can be set at the company level.
Payment Methods Displayed
c. Show Order Total in COD Link Email - Update to the Portal to be able send the COD payment links out with the Order Total instead of Subtotal.