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Kodaris April 2021 Release Note Highlights

1. V2 Quoting
a. Migrate V1 Quotes to V2 - Quotes entered on the Web Dashboard can now be migrated to the Portal for editing. If you open any quotes that originated from the Dashboard in the Portal, you’ll receive a message asking if you’d like to migrate the quote. Once the quote is migrated, all future updates would need to be made in the Portal. An icon with the number 2 will also appear next to any quotes on the Dashboard that have been migrated to or entered in the Portal.
b. Update Price Records When Quote Item Changes Price - When the price changes on a quote item after the job has been setup, the price on the quote pricing record will now also automatically update.
c. Add Escalation to Items added to Quote with Existing Job - When adding an item to a quote, the system will check for any global or price type escalators and automatically add to the item.
d. Do not update “nonstock” Price or Escalation - When editing or adding the price to a nonstock item, the other nonstock items will not change. Escalation will also work off of each individual nonstock item. Some data configuration is needed for this with Nonstock items set up by each product group.
e. Round Escalation To Nearest Cent for Type 1 Items - Any Type 1 items will escalate to the nearest cent instead of dollar.
f. Disable Browser Autofill - The default browser autofill has been removed to prevent making selections from dropdowns.
g. Display Product Units on PDFs - Fix to display product units when generating a PDF from the quote.
Display Product Units on PDFs
h. Save Drag and Drop Files under Customer Files - Files used for drag and drop are now saved under Customer Files so they are accessible to customers in the Customer Portal.
Save Drag and Drop Files under Customer Files
i. Inventory on Items Displayed - As items are added to a quote, a pop up displaying inventory is now displayed.
Inventory on Items Displayed
j. Toolbar - Added to further emulate Excel. The toolbar is available to help you quickly update and manage pricing and escalators. It includes a Help popup with tips on keyboard shortcuts.
k. Refresh Email Tab - The email screen now automatically refreshes to show the latest data for emails sent out.
Refresh Email Tab
l. Attach Customer Files to Email - You can attach customer files to emails directly in the Portal instead of downloading and then attaching. Clicking on the paperclip icon of the email draft will display a popup where you can select from any customer files attached to the quote to send in the email.
Attach Customer Files to Email
m. Disable Date Selection - Once a job is set up, you can’t select a start or end date on the quote.
Disable Date Selection
n. Filterable Pricing Date Fields - The start and end date fields on the Pricing screen are now filterable so you can more quickly isolate dates to make any needed adjustments.
Filterable Pricing Date Fields
o. Show Square Footage in Line Item Name - The square footage on an item is now included at the end of the item name. This is dependent on the data set up for an item.
Filterable Pricing Date Fields
2. Portal Enhancements
a. External Orders Details Screen - The details screen is now available so you can view and edit the fields on an external order before pushing to the ERP.
External Orders Details Screen
b. Web & ERP Numbers Displayed - Both Web and ERP order numbers are now displayed on the Order details screen for easier tracking.
Web & ERP Numbers Displayed
c. Create Tickets - Found under CRM in the Portal. You can create tickets to track action items. More to come soon on this feature!
Create Tickets
d. Employee Grid - New screen available under System where you can view and manage employees. You can also add new employees from this screen.
Employee Grid
e. Shipping Instructions Field - A new field has been added to the Order Entry screen where you can add and edit shipping instructions on the Order. These instructions will sync to Trend and be printed on the pick ticket.
Shipping Instructions Field
f. Release to ERP Icon - Added to the Order Grid and Order Details. You can push orders to Trend from the Portal. The icons are color coded with the following
• Gray - Order is ready to release
• Yellow - Order is queued
• Green - Order has been released
• Red - Order is stuck
Release to ERP Icon
g. Product Details & Files Screens - View and manage products from the Product Details screen. The ability to attach files is also available.
Product Details & Files Screens
h. Attach Files on Company and Company Addresses - You can now attach files to these screens in the Portal
Attach Files on Company and Company Addresses
3. Metrics
a. POD Stats by Locations - POD stats are now available under Location Stats and can be broken out by yard with daily, weekly and monthly metrics available.
POD Stats by Locations
4. Payments
a. Web Payment Reconciliation - Updates made to the AR screen in the Portal to help improve reconciling payments to the bank. These include added filters for Batch Date, Reconciled payments, and Web order #, information for Invoice # and breaking out Web payments into Web Account and Web Order.
b. Only Download Settled Transactions - Voided payments have been removed from Bank Transaction file downloads. This will prevent voided payments from being applied to accounts.
c. Remove Pending Payment - The “Pending” payment entry displayed to customers on the Payments screen of the customer Portal is now removed when payments are voided on the Dashboard.
d. Port Pay Order - The Pay Order feature has been ported to the Portal where you can enter a customer’s payment method or capture what was used at checkout.
Port Pay Order