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Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights

1. V2 Quoting
a. Quote Wins/Losses - More detailed tracking of quote wins and losses is now available on the Quotes screen. As a quote is moved through different possible statuses, Expired, Lost or Won, a setting is created with the date the status was updated. This data is only recorded the first time a quote is moved to a certain status. Columns with these statuses are available to be filtered and sorted to help more accurately track quotes.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
b. Location and SKU for Quote Items - Additional fields, Location and SKU, have been added to the quote items grid. They can be added by clicking on the columns icon and selecting the checkbox next to them. Populating the data may still need to be worked on, but this is designed to solve an issue where products are pulled from separate warehouses so that users can determine if they need to check cost or not.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
c. Manually Update Tax - Taxes can be manually updated on both quotes and orders. Clicking "Calculate" will save the updated tax.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
d. Quotes Development Tab - A Development has been added for quotes, cash quotes, orders, and master summary orders. This contains all ERP settings on the quote and is restricted to certain permissions. This will help with troubleshooting issues and validating data.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
2. V2 Orders
a. Orders without POD - The Orders screen has been updated so that any orders without POD will be marked red in the POD field. This will make it easier to spot orders missing POD.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
3. Portal Enhancements
a. Category Price List Download - Under a company catalog, clicking the download icon on a category will generate a price list. This .csv file will contain all items in that category, their price, unit, unit price, and UOM. The price list is automatically named with the company code and category but can be renamed as needed when saving. Downloading the price list for the parent category, My Catalog, will include all items on all child categories.
b. Order Discounts Grid - A new Order Discounts grid has been added where discounts are addable/editable/deletable/filterable/sortable. This will be used for the Portal supporting add-on charges from the ERP. Discount records can be marked as taxable on the Discounts grid. This will allow for add-on charges to be taxed or untaxed on orders and quotes.
c. Discount Ranges - As part of the new addons/discounts feature, when clicking into the details, you can view all records available on the addon/discount.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
d. Discount Screen Header Updates - Since the Discounts screen can be utilized for both discounts and addons, columns on the screen have been renamed for easier identification. Reward Type is now Type, and Reward has been updated to Amount or Percentage.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
e. Created Timestamp - The time has been added in addition to the date on the Created field for quotes, cash quotes, and orders for more accurate information on when they’ve been created.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
f. Editable Parent Company - The parent company on a customer can now be edited in the Portal. The field uses type as you search.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
g. Additional Location Fields - All fields currently available in the Admin for Locations have been moved to the Portal. This will allow for easier updating of location information.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
h. SKUs Filter & Sort - Inventory Level, Qty Back Ordered, Qty Committed, and Qty on Order columns on the SKUs screen can now be sorted and/or filtered.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
i. Full Product Export - A full system product export is now available in the Portal. From the Data screen under PIM, you can click on File > Export and then save a .csv file of products.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
j. Search Functionality Enhancements - Updates were made throughout the Portal to enhance searching. The Quote Pricing, Events, Quote Items, and Unit Conversions screens all use a contains search instead of exact match to ensure all possible matches. The Data tab for PIM has also been enhanced, where the filter will now display a dropdown with multiple options for search.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
k. Product Language Export - A full export is now available on the Product Languages grid. Clicking on File > Export will create a .csv file that can be downloaded.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
l. Product Language Description - A rich text editor is available in the Description field on the Product Languages grid to easily view any updates made.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
m. Last Modified Timestamp when Product Language Fields are Updated - The last modified locally timestamp is now updated if any updates are made on product language fields.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
n. Filter Renaming - Some updates to the PIM navigation were released, with Facet Groups renamed as Filter Categories and Filter updated to Attribute. A Filter Categories tab has also been added to the Products screen for easier management by PIM teams.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
o. Facet Groups Grid - Enhancement for the PIM team process. A full list of facet groups is available, and clicking into the details will display all products associated with that facet. Products can easily be added and removed to the facet from the details screen.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
p. Categories Data Grid - A new data grid is now available for Categories and additional fields added for improved category management.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
q. Category Fields - A full range of fields is now available on the Category screen so that information can be fully accessible.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
r. PIM Image Upload - To easily add images or files to a product, an Attach File icon has been added to the PIM Data screen. This will allow attaching files without clicking into the product details.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
s. PIM Filter Assignment - New Grid under Products where up to 20 filters can easily be assigned to a product. Grid format allows to copy and paste data to be able to mass assign filters.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
t. Header & Footer Product Fields - These fields allow the option to add additional info to product pages. They are currently available only under the Data tab, but the team is expanding to include on the Search tab as well.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
u. Primary Category Code Search & Filter - Available on both the Category and Filter Assignment tabs for Products, the Primary Category code is now fully searchable, filterable, and sortable for easier data management.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
v. Saved Sticky Filter Search - Update to save the search field on sticky filters on the PIM > Product > Data screen.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
w. Product ID Filter & Sort - The Product ID column on the PIM > Product > Data grid can now be sorted and filtered.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
x. Filter Cell Focus Fix - Update so that there is a full blue border around an active cell instead of a partial border.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
y. Add Code Editor to Templates - The templates screen has been updated to display the template name instead of id. The old page has been replaced with a single code editor for content updates.
z. Image Upload Fix - Update to resolve an error message when uploading images to products. Images were uploaded, but users with basic permissions weren’t originally able to access them.
aa. FG Fix - Update to not return facets as part of the results when assigning categories on the Category Assignment tab.
ab. Grid Cutoff Fix - Fix for a portion of the grid being cut off from user view on the Company Catalog tab.
ac. Hidden Column Fix - Update to fix issue where non-defaulted columns were displayed before the last defaulted column when selected on the various pricing grids.
ad. Inactive Category and Product Fix - Update to hide any inactive products or categories on the Company Catalog from customers on the commerce side.
4. Payments
a. Surface Payment Errors - A new screen found under System > Payment Attempts. All payment records for Converge are listed, organized in folders by date. Each payment attempt will have both a request and response record, and clicking on them will display the details. Viewing the ssl_result_message in the response record will let you know if a payment has approval or was declined.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
5. Customer
a. Ability to Exclude Scanned POD Files from Customer View - Update so that scanned files are accessible in the Employee Portal but not displayed to customers. This is to prevent possible duplicates and allow for internal employee review.
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
Kodaris December 2021 Release Note Highlights
b. Tax-Exempt Customers Getting Taxed - Update so that the system is looking at the “isOrderTaxable” order setting to ensure that customers that are tax exempt aren’t being taxed.
c. Plexxis Update for Multiple Branch Customers - For Plexxis customers with multiple branches, a parent company can be set up with associated child accounts and then a setting for their corresponding branches added. Plexxis is then activated for the parent account, and any POs placed through Plexxis on the parent or children accounts will sync to the Portal.
d. PunchOut Integration - Integration that allows for checkout via PunchOut. Customers will start in PunchOut, which will redirect them to Kodaris to add items to their cart. When ready to place an order, the customer will go through the usual checkout flow and then click a “check out” button to complete the order.