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Controlling your future in the cloud

By the Kodaris team · Article

Companies need to be in the cloud (or at least a hybrid of on-premise and cloud) to compete digitally today.

Moving to the cloud – and efficiently running your business in the cloud – requires careful thought and consideration, and there are some fantastic benefits to moving to the cloud, such as:

  • cost savings
  • security
  • flexibility
  • mobility
  • increased collaboration
  • disaster recovery
  • loss prevention
  • automatic software updates
  • competitive edge

There can be pain points and real downsides considered when moving to the cloud, including:

  • security
  • compliance
  • data mobility

However, standard technology companies like Kodaris address these concerns through compliance with global standards like SOC and PCI.

Let’s move on to the real business problems, especially in B2B. Companies that continue to purchase software, cloud-based software – just like when they bought on-premise software – encounter some of the same issues they had on-premise, such as:

  • you have to purchase additional software to try to fill gaps in your business
  • you need to constantly tweak and work on integrating SaaS applications to get the talk to each other
  • it is impossible to modify cloud software to get what you need for your business puts you at the mercy of cloud software vendors and what is important to them
  • you have tied to the many different vendors' roadmaps and release cycles
    never-ending monitoring of subscription fees, user fees, and what is being used

What would the ultimate solution look like? Maybe something like...

  • one unified platform cloud business that provided 80% of what you needed
  • a platform that could be easily modified or customized if needed to accommodate your business – the 20% of needs specific to your business
  • an open platform that could easily be integrated with, especially your operational software such as your ERP or other SaaS solution via APIs
  • a platform that adopted and unified other cloud software so that you did not need to do it and could use it

Kodaris set out on the journey several years ago to build this ultimate solution, and it is what drives us day in and day out working with our partners and customers. While the SaaS industry fragments and tries to glue back together solutions, Kodaris continues to execute the ultimate vision.

With Kodaris, you co-invent your future, rather than taking what tech companies give you regardless of addressing your specific needs. Instead, we work with your team to create solutions that solve your business problems. And we deliver weekly updates.

Kodaris is an ultra-agile technology company; fast and agile iterations are essential to success. We understand that plans and priorities can change at a moment’s notice, and Kodaris is committed to delivering fast and often. Our methodology is based on weekly releases for our customers and status calls as often as needed.

The Kodaris Platform is ERP agnostic; we work with your existing software. From suppliers, manufacturers, transporters, distributors, retailers to the customers, Kodaris can tailor its secure headless commerce, native mobile and driver applications, complete PIM solution, as well as a robust customer 360 CRM to fit your needs regardless of your ERP.

Your ERP and logistics are connected by utilizing end-to-end digital processes with portals for suppliers, sales and operations, customers, and multi-channel commerce.

The Kodaris Platform also features a unique CMS that is a game-changer. Typically, Commerce systems are driven by the ERP, with the marketers’ only option being a CMS divorced from the Commerce system – two paths not combined. We saw this need and integrated the systems. The whole foundation of a B2B ERP Commerce system – that’s an industry first.

As a Kodaris customer, you have the opportunity to be part of another national platform being developed and scaled. Our leadership team brings decades of experience in designing, developing, and delivering complex technology solutions for customers worldwide. More importantly, our leadership team is involved throughout every project to ensure we provide the fanatical customer service we advertise.

"Software in the cloud" is a catchy sales pitch. But, at Kodaris, we don’t pitch sales. Instead, we build long-lasting relationships with our customers to ensure their success.

The Kodaris Platform is the only next-generation B2B Platform that brings multiple solutions under one umbrella. So if you have a problem, Kodaris will work with you to solve it. Your problem, your custom solution – it’s that simple.

Kodaris’ DNA thrives on solving problems. We understand emerging technologies can be overwhelming, which is why the conversation begins with you telling us what the problem is. Then we’ll craft a solution that addresses your needs.

We are ready to solve your problem. Reach out today to find out how we can help you.